a person drawing wireframes

Why Accessibility Features Are Necessary in the Tech Industry

The tech industry is changing and expanding, but there are still glaring gaps in the products being created that leave people with disabilities without access to information or technology. In this article, we will explore what guidelines are necessary for creating accessible products for all people, not just those living with a disability.

Making products accessible for all individuals has far-reaching benefits that extend beyond the individual, and implementing accessibility features can help companies to increase their market share by appealing to a wider customer base. Additionally, making products accessible is also good for business as it shows corporate social responsibility.

To ensure that all individuals have access to information and technology.

There are a few key things that need to be considered in order to ensure that all individuals have access to information and technology. First and foremost, it is important to design products with accessibility in mind from the beginning. This means taking into account people of all abilities when creating interfaces, menus, and other interactions. In addition, developers must test products for accessibility before release, as disabilities can vary widely from person to person. By implementing these measures, the tech industry can create products that are inclusive for all.

Take, for example, the availability of hearing-impaired software for computers. The deaf and hard-of-hearing community has long struggled to find accessible software that allows them to use a computer in the same way as someone without a disability. While there are some accessibility features that come standard on most computers, such as closed captioning, these features are often not enough. In order to fully participate in the digital world, deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals need software that allows them to use a computer in the same way as everyone else. This means having access to all of the same programs, tools, and applications.

To comply with accessibility laws and regulations.

In addition to making products more accessible for all individuals, there are also legal requirements that must be considered. For example, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all public entities make their services and programs accessible to people with disabilities. This includes making products available in alternate formats, such as large print or Braille, as well as providing accommodations such as sign language interpretation or assistive technology.

Similarly, the United Kingdom has a number of accessibility laws that must be followed. The Equality Act 2010 requires that all products and services be accessible to individuals with disabilities unless it can be demonstrated that making an accommodation would impose an “unreasonable burden.” This means that developers must take into account the needs of people with disabilities when creating their products, or they could face legal consequences.

To create a more inclusive society for all people.

a hand with holographic icons

Making products accessible for all individuals has far-reaching benefits that extend beyond the individual. This is important because social inclusion is key to a healthy and productive life. Inclusion allows people of all abilities to participate in the same activities, which helps to break down barriers and create a more inclusive society.

This is not only beneficial for those living with disabilities but for everyone. Inclusion is the foundation of a strong and healthy society, and it is something that we should all strive for.

To increase market share by appealing to a wider customer base.

In order to increase their market share, tech companies need to appeal to a wider customer base. This includes making their products accessible to individuals with disabilities. By implementing accessibility features, companies can reach out to a whole new group of customers who may have been left out in the past.

Furthermore, creating products that are inclusive makes companies send a message that they care about all people. This can help to build brand loyalty and create a positive image for the company. In the competitive tech industry, companies need all the help they can get!

To show corporate social responsibility.

By creating products that are inclusive, the tech industry can help to create a more inclusive society. In addition to this, making products accessible is also good for business. It can help companies to increase their market share by appealing to a wider customer base, and it can also show corporate social responsibility.


In order to close gaps and create a more inclusive society, it is important that companies adhere to accessibility guidelines. By doing so, they will be able to make their products available to everyone, regardless of ability. This is not only the right thing to do, but it is also good for business!


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