The Five Essentials of a Security Protocol in Your Business

Crime is an ever-constant artificial force of nature in the world of business. It has become a force of nature because, to a certain extent, no one can stop it, not even a first-world country like the United States. For example, the FBI reported that a property crime could occur every four seconds, while a violent crime can occur every 20 seconds. That’s at least 15 property crimes and 3 violent crimes occurring every minute!

Large or small businesses are always at risk of being targeted by criminals. While some crimes may be random, others are planned and specifically aimed at specific companies. In order to protect your business from becoming a victim, it is vital to have a security protocol in place. This article will outline the five essentials of any security protocol.

Discuss Employee Responsibilities

The first essential of a security protocol is to discuss employee responsibilities concerning security. Employees should be aware of their role in keeping the business safe and secure. You can do this through training sessions, company-wide memos, or even security policies that are put in place.

Some of the things that employees should be responsible for include:

  • Keeping an eye out for suspicious activity
  • Reporting any suspicious activity to management or security
  • Following all safety and security procedures
  • Wearing proper ID badges or other forms of identification

Your employees are a big part of the security protocol, and you should never understate their responsibilities. Have a dialogue with them about whether they can handle their responsibilities. If not, then delegate new security tasks to the employee. When your employees are diligent about their security tasks, you don’t have to worry about future security risks.

Security camera in the corner of the office

Assign Someone to Monitor Security footage

The next essential of a security protocol is to assign someone to monitor any security footage that is captured by cameras on the premises. Your business can use this footage to help solve crimes and prevent them. It is essential to have someone responsible for reviewing the footage and reporting any suspicious activity to the proper authorities.

The person assigned to this task should be someone who is detail-oriented and can spot anything out of the ordinary. They should also be able to work with law enforcement if necessary.

Invest in a Good Security System

A good security system is another essential of a security protocol. This system should include alarm systems, cameras, and motion sensors. These devices will deter criminals and make it more difficult for them to commit crimes on your property.

Investing in a quality security system that will meet the needs of your business. There are many different types of security systems available, so it is vital to do some research to find the one that is right for you.

As stated earlier, you should also have someone responsible for reviewing the footage and reporting any suspicious activity to the proper authorities.

Install proper lighting

Proper lighting is another essential of a security protocol. It’s because criminals often target businesses that are poorly lit. By installing adequate lighting, you can make it more difficult for criminals to commit crimes on your property.

There are many different types of lighting available, so it is essential to do some research to find the one that is right for you. You should also consider hiring a professional to install the lighting for you.


The final thing you should do to complete your business’ security protocol is to get an automated secure alarm protocol (ASAP) installed in your business. ASAP security services can automatically reroute your company’s emergency concerns to the nearest law enforcement agency, saving valuable time in the event of an emergency. It’s excellent in preventing burglaries (or catching them doing the act) and is also suitable for workplace injuries. It’s an all-around investment that you should have in your company.

ASAP is an essential part of any security protocol because it can help deter criminals and make it easier for law enforcement to respond to a crime.

The Cost of Crime

Crimes have cost businesses over $50 billion in the country. But the cost of crime is so much more than that. It can ruin your business and destroy your employees’ lives. Therefore, it is crucial to have a security protocol in place to protect your business from crime.

While the cost of crime is high, implementing a security protocol is relatively low. By taking the time to implement a security protocol, you can save your business a lot of money in the long run.

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