starting a business during pandemic

Marketing Essentials for Businesses in the New Normal

The global pandemic came in a way we never expected, and businesses were among those gravely affected. It’s evident that companies are still trying to adapt to this new normal with the help of new business strategies. One interesting aspect of business that’s changed has been the shift to digital marketing practices while still being true to traditional principles. These platforms and avenues for marketing can now be held in the palm of our hands, and the market’s behaviors have also significantly changed.

However, that being said, authentic, informative, and consumer-centric marketing continues to help brands navigate the post-pandemic business landscape. Here are just some essential aspects you’ll need to look into for marketing in the new normal:

Social media

There’s no denying just how big of an impact social media has had on the marketing landscape. What initially started as a way to connect college students has now turned into an amazing marketing platform for both brands and consumers. Social media has come such a long way since then, and it’s one of the factors that make digital marketing such a success. Whether posting engaging posts on your business account on your socials, targeting the right demographics through sponsored ads, or optimizing your content on social media, there’s no denying that this has become a marketing need for every business.

We rarely see a brand without a social media presence, particularly businesses in consumer goods or services. In 2021, there were over 4.55 billion social media users worldwide, and this number is set to just keep increasing. Also, approximately 85% of companies have reported that short-form videos were the most effective form of social media marketing in 2021.


This is one of the most significant marketing essentials during the new normal. Since customers no longer leave their homes to visit a particular store or business, e-commerce has been particularly in-demand during the new normal. So for companies to continue their operations and reach their target market, businesses are coming up with an e-commerce website to still offer their products and services by having them delivered to your door. Businesses also prioritize choosing the proper logistics company to handle and ship their products.

Having an e-commerce website also ensures that you grow your customer base with every viewer and audience member that stumbles upon your website, which can also lead to a sale. Particularly if you implement search engine marketing in the picture, your e-commerce website has a better chance of reaching the necessary audiences.

Customer service

after purchase customer service

Customers have always been at the heart of every business, but even more so during the new normal. Brands have tried to implement customer satisfaction and retention at the heart of their marketing strategies. Testimonials and word of mouth continue to be one of the most effective marketing strategies regardless of your market—e-commerce websites and other platforms that utilize customer rating systems and reviews take these principles digital.

While authenticity could be improved, it’s no surprise that most websites will offer customer reviews on the product’s landing page to close sales. Customer service channels are another way of influencing the market’s perception of your brand. Multiple brands have launched chat features on their web pages to promptly answer customer inquiries and concerns that show how much they care about their customers.

Creative strategies

Digital marketing is a blend of so many aspects, and there is no one sure formula for success. Finding the right blend of digitalization and traditional practices or a cross-over for both is the key to creating an effective marketing campaign. If you get into the nitty-gritty of it, not all brand will digitalize their marketing in the same way. For example, brands that are considered business-to-business companies may not benefit from an excellent social media presence like fast food or consumer goods would.

Modern marketing for business-to-business companies might mean more robust email marketing projects or a better website interface. Direct-to-customer brands also utilize social media platforms more authentically than big box stores as the transparency helps them grow their market share and establish a reliable and honest image with their market. For example, Insurance agents currently offering insurance utilize different insurance marketing tips and strategies to gain more policyholders in such uncertain times.

Search engine optimization

With the rise of digital marketing strategies, there’s also a rise in the need for SEO or search engine optimization concerning businesses’ content, especially for e-commerce brands. So whether it’s on their social media platforms, websites, and even videos, optimization is the key to broadening their customer base and audience exposure. It’s the core reason businesses are hiring more SEO specialists, and some brands are spending more time getting this right. Your brand has the capacity to get more exposure when you optimize your content and website. You could have the best product and website, but if your market has a hard time finding you online, your digitalization efforts could be considered moot.

These factors above are how brands have drastically changed when COVID-19 hit. While for the better, these adjustments and changes are necessary for a business to keep expanding and growing. These factors aren’t just for multinational companies but also for small businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve and implement these aspects even on a smaller scale.

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