hotel pool area

Top Qualities of Five-Star Properties

Five-star hotel properties give their guests the ultimate luxury from all facets. If you have visited one such hotel for a holiday or conference, you surely know about this. If you have wondered how hotels get their classification, you should read this. There is no standard rating system as such for hotels. Properties generally earn ratings through their services in terms of experience and luxury. You may have faced at least one disappointing situation in your life when the property you booked was not up to your expectations.

Choosing the wrong property can destroy your chances of happiness on vacation. The top hotel experts have created various standard operating procedures that make a hotel excellent. You must count cross-cultural perspectives as one of the most important deciding factors to define the standards of a hotel property. With that in mind, here are the top qualities of the best five-star properties:

Customer Service Delivery

The best hotels have the best customer service delivery mechanism. If you are customer-driven and live up to your customer’s expectations, you get the best reviews. And that is one of the deciding factors. No matter which sector you are in, customer care plays a huge role in attracting and retaining customers. It is the lifeblood of any organization. Empathy and customer focus are the essential facets that most of the hospitality sector relies on.

If you are a part of one such property, you should know the place and its services in and out. It does not matter to which department you belong. A guest walking past you in the lobby will only identify you by your gait and uniform. So if you cannot give a proper answer, you demean your property. Patience is yet another facet of customer service, which you need to have loads of if you want to grow here.

Aesthetics and Luxury

The most luxurious five-star properties have the luxury in every aspect of their construction. They sport stunning features that are hard to miss, even from a distance. The stunning architecture—both external and internal—deserves much applause. Apart from the rooms, the outer structures often emulate various architectural styles, like Victorian, Spanish, or modern. Additionally, most luxury hotels also have infinity pools and manicured gardens. You can be privy to events and celebrations out there.

The best five-star properties maintain their spaces like a parent. It is like a parent-child relationship that hoteliers develop with their properties. You will not find a single piece of brick or paint, amiss. Therefore, it is pretty evident that the pools and outdoor pergolas will add to the same experience with regular maintenance. Most five-star properties also have pool parties there.

Moreover, the raised wooden platforms surrounding the pool also demand attention in such cases. Everybody is perched up there, sipping cocktails and cocktails overlooking the pool area. Thus, waterproof decking systems are pretty standard in these properties. It is necessary that the material, mostly wood or finished ply, does not rot with water exposure. It can lead to accidents and cause bodily injuries as well. It can hamper the reputation of the property. That is not something a hotel property owner would want.

Hotel staff bringing a car of towels and other necessities

Customer Loyalty

Five-star properties know how to take care of customers. You will find them addressing you by name, showing you are a part of the family as other people there. They will make you a part of their tribe. Additionally, they will make you divulge all details like birthdays and anniversaries in the most formal manner. After that, the first call you get on your birthday or anniversary is from the hotel.

If your family and spouse forget an anniversary, hotel booking systems will not. If you happen to check into any five-star property around such dates, be ready to be showered with freebies and offers. These will be lucrative enough to force you to extend your stay there. Such properties will never leave a stone unturned to make you feel special.

Refined Tastes

Most luxury hotels or five-star properties distinguish themselves from the rest, with attention to the bath and beauty products stocked inside the vanity. Additionally, they will ask your taste for flavors and stock the minibars accordingly. You also stand to get an ample supply of complimentary water bottles and luxury linen and bedding. There may be an iPod dock as well to serve your needs. They will also keep your requests for rooms on specific floors, swimming pool views, and proximity to the elevator, to name a few.

These are a few features that make five-star properties what they are. The moment you step into one—or if you happen to pass one—you will know that this hotel means customer service and professionalism. Luxury automatically comes in.

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