friends toasts over a healthy meal

Five COVID-safe Activities You Can Do with Friends Post-pandemic

The past 20 months have been brutal on families and friends. We had to spend time apart as the virus took hold of lives and livelihoods. As we got busy trying to survive the pandemic, we lost touch with some of our friends and loved ones. Now that things are coming back to normal and cases are dropping, it’s safe to say that it’s time to take a look at what activities we can do with our loved ones. We haven’t seen most of them in almost two years, so this is the best time to reconnect with them.

Of course, the fear is that one wrong move can alter your life forever. Imagine staying safe from the clutches of COVID-19 for more than a year, and then suddenly, you get the virus. Proper health protocols should be observed if you’re going to meet with friends. And even if you live in a no-mask-policy state, should you take that risk?

Non-contact Sports

The best activities in a post-pandemic world are non-contact sports such as tennis (singles or doubles), billiards, and golf. Some would be averted at visiting a bowling alley because it is an indoor establishment. However, most bowling alleys have enough space for proper social distancing. Even mini bowling centers have enough space for friends to observe distancing and other health protocols properly.

The best thing about doing sports and practicing distancing is you don’t have to wear a mask and worry about getting the virus from your friend. Enough distancing will prevent transmission through air droplets. Non-contact activities are pandemic-proof.


The worry for most people is that they can’t dine comfortably with members of other households. That isn’t true. While this is still a major concern for third-world countries, first-world nations have already opened the possibility of mixing households and dining with other people. But if you are extra worried despite the precautions you have taken, choose to dine alfresco rather than indoors. Don’t be in a crowded restaurant because the possibility of transmission is higher there.

Some restaurants do have protocols for indoor dine-in, such as not putting two tables near each other and even putting a plastic barrier between seats. When thinking about dining in with friends, prioritize your health above wanting to try a new trendy restaurant. Make sure that the restaurant has proper protocols in place. If it has none, rethink your decision to visit it.

Spa and Massage

Have you always loved going to the spa with your friends? Then, why not have a relaxing one right now? The great thing about going to a spa is that many of them have applied (and have been granted) with safety seals to prove that they are following health protocols. You can practice social distancing in a spa because you will have separate beds and sometimes, even rooms. You can still hold conversations while you’re having a massage since there’s a distance between the two beds. This is a safe enough space, especially if your attendants have been fully vaccinated and the establishment follows government-mandated safety protocols.


There were not many good reasons to go shopping in the past year. After all, so many businesses had to close, which means that people have lost their sources of income. Now that restrictions have eased, it’s time to whip open that wallet and splurge on yourself (in moderation, of course). You can invite your friends to tag along since maybe they want to shop, too. This is a great bonding experience post-pandemic since you don’t even have to take off your mask (if you’re still wearing one) while you’re out shopping. Indoor establishments will thank you for still wearing a mask and maintaining your distance as you shop.


friends talking over a meal while camping

Do you want an adventure? Camping is a great activity that everyone will enjoy. You can even bring your kids along. The best part about camping is that it allows you to spend time outdoors, which is great for your mental health. You will set up your own tent, so nobody has to share just one tent. At night, you can start a bonfire and share a meal while also observing proper distance from each other. If you haven’t done this with friends, maybe now is the best time.

You can do many activities with your loved ones now that restrictions have been eased and lifted. You shouldn’t restrict yourself to just outdoor activities. There are a range of fun and interesting pastimes you can do as a group as long as you follow health and safety standards.

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